

转座子注释目前有非常多的软件,而EDTA(The Extensive de novo TE Annotator)整合了大部分目前常用的转座子注释软件,值得注意的是EDTA是全基因组从头注释。EDTA最大的好处就是简单实用,而且经过大量的改进,目前在安装、运行以及结果解释等方面十分完善。


具体可以参考EDTA的 GitHub主页以及发表在Genome Biology上的 文章



Quick installation using conda (Linux64)

conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge edta

Quick installation using Singularity (good for HPC users)


singularity build --sandbox EDTA.sif docker://kapeel/edta

singularity exec {path}/EDTA.sif /EDTA/EDTA.pl --genome genome.fa [other parameters]

{path} is the path you build the EDTA singularity image

Quick installation using Docker (good for root/Mac users)


docker pull kapeel/edta

docker run -v $PWD:/in -w /in kapeel/edta --genome genome.fa [other parameters]

Step by step installation using conda

conda create -n EDTA
conda activate EDTA
conda config --env --add channels anaconda --add channels conda-forge --add channels bioconda
conda install -n EDTA -y cd-hit repeatmodeler muscle mdust blast openjdk perl perl-text-soundex multiprocess regex tensorflow=1.14.0 keras=2.2.4 scikit-learn=0.19.0 biopython pandas glob2 python=3.6 tesorter genericrepeatfinder genometools-genometools ltr_retriever ltr_finder numpy=1.16.4
git clone https://github.com/oushujun/EDTA



  • 所研究物种或者亲缘关系比较近的物种的CDS文件(需要剔除掉内含子以及UTRs)
  • 基因坐标信息
  • 可信度非常高的TE库,无需全基因组完整的,部分零散的也行,但是需要注意的是可信度必须是比较高的,不然就不要提供了,免得适得其反



一步到位From head to toe

You got a genome and you want to get a high-quality TE annotation:

perl EDTA.pl [options]
  --genome	[File]	The genome FASTA
  --species [Rice|Maize|others]	Specify the species for identification of TIR candidates. Default: others
  --step	[all|filter|final|anno] Specify which steps you want to run EDTA.
			all: run the entire pipeline (default)
			filter: start from raw TEs to the end.
			final: start from filtered TEs to finalizing the run.
			anno: perform whole-genome annotation/analysis after TE library construction.
  --overwrite	[0|1]	If previous results are found, decide to overwrite (1, rerun) or not (0, default).
  --cds	[File]	Provide a FASTA file containing the coding sequence (no introns, UTRs, nor TEs) of this genome or its close relative.
  --curatedlib	[file]	Provided a curated library to keep consistant naming and classification for known TEs.
			All TEs in this file will be trusted 100%, so please ONLY provide MANUALLY CURATED ones here.
			This option is not mandatory. It's totally OK if no file is provided (default).
  --sensitive	[0|1]	Use RepeatModeler to identify remaining TEs (1) or not (0, default).
			This step is very slow and MAY help to recover some TEs.
  --anno	[0|1]	Perform (1) or not perform (0, default) whole-genome TE annotation after TE library construction.
  --rmout	[File]	Provide your own homology-based TE annotation instead of using the EDTA library for masking. File is in RepeatMasker .out format. This file will be merged with the structural-based TE annotation. (-anno 1 required). Default: use the EDTA library for annotation.
  --evaluate	[0|1]	Evaluate (1) classification consistency of the TE annotation. (-anno 1 required). Default: 0.
			This step is slow and does not affect the annotation result.
  --exclude	[File]	Exclude bed format regions from TE annotation. Default: undef. (-anno 1 required).
  --threads|-t	[int]	Number of theads to run this script (default: 4)
  --help|-h	Display this help info




perl EDTA_raw.pl [options]
 --genome	[File]	The genome FASTA
 --species [Rice|Maize|others]	Specify the species for identification of TIR candidates. Default: others
 --type	[ltr|tir|helitron|all]	Specify which type of raw TE candidates you want to get. Default: all
 --overwrite	[0|1]	If previous results are found, decide to overwrite (1, rerun) or not (0, default).
 --threads|-t	[int]	Number of theads to run this script
 --help|-h	Display this help info


Finish the rest of the EDTA analysis (specify -overwrite 0 and it will automatically pick up existing results in the work folder)

perl EDTA.pl --overwrite 0 [options]




I am a PhD student of Crop Genetics and Breeding at the Zhejiang University Crop Science Lab. My research interests covers a range of issues:Population Genetics Evolution and Ecotype Divergence Analysis of Oilseed Rape, Genome-wide Association Study (GWAS) of Agronomic Traits.

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